Test API calls must be made using the test key provided, and will not apply towards your overall orders count. Your App ID is the same for both test and production modes.

Functionality in Test Mode

All orders created using your test key function exactly as they would in production mode, except for the following differences:

  1. Record URLs and playback URLs use the Vift Test Mode Domain https://test.vift.com

  2. Record and playback pages using the Vift Test Mode Domain prominently display a notification about being in test mode.

  3. Automated emails and text messages are be sent with "TEST MODE" in the subject line.

  4. All responses contain the value test_mode=1.


Be Careful! Email and text notifications are sent out in test mode, too! Ensure you have access to the recipient email address that you enter after recording a video.

Order IDs

An Order ID used in test mode may also be used in production mode. Order IDs must only be unique when used within each mode.

Moving to production

To move to production, simply request your production key from your account manager. Your test mode API Key will remain active for the lifetime of your account, so both API Keys may be used side-by-side for future testing.